Cooking With Rhonda

Questions And Answers

1. Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and an HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

The difference between an XML sitemap and an HTML site map is that HTML is easily understood by humans and an XML site map is created for search engines. XML’s use is intended for search engine robots, one of XML’s primary uses is the scene activity of a webpage. 

Benefits HTML sitemap – User-friendly access, easy to navigate, and find what page you are after. 

Disadvantages HTML sitemap – Search engines may not pick up all pages. 

Benefits XML – Lists the important pages for search engines, faster way for web crawlers to find out and index new webpages, recommended by google as it provides additional information. 

Disadvantages XML – Harder for people to understand, can’t support over 50MB site maps, large websites then need to be broken into multiple maps.

2. Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary of the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry-level trainee code developer.

Dreamweaver – Dreamweaver is an adobe application that has been around since 1997, although it costs it does have a built-in FTP client, “a what you see is what you get” editing option so it allows you to type in the live view, and make visual changes with color indicators as well. It allows visual drag and drops changes and that is why I believe it is a good option for entry-level trainees. 

ATOM – Atom has been around since 2014, it’s open source and has a great adding package feature, it has support for Git Hub and can handle large amounts of data constantly. It allows formatting code with ease and handles lots of languages, it has FTP integration and it would make a good program for a trainee developer with the correct amount of use preference package installed. It is free and easy to install. A downside to ATOM is there is no live view however this can be combatted with certain packages, a downside is if you are very visual there is no color indicator so you need to find an alternative way to test colors for your website. 

NOTEPAD ++ - Notepad ++ has been around since 2003, it operates on windows and is free of charge, and is open source, it’s rated very high due to its ease of access. It supports over 50 programming languages, doesn’t use many computer resources, and has an autosave feature. The downside to notepad is doesn’t have a built-in split view option, doesn’t have a multi cursor function like ATOM does and has an outdated feel compared to some of the new IDE’s. This would still make a good IDE for a trainee developer as it’s simple and clean. Overal all 3 are suitable for beginners however my personal reccomendation would be Dreamweaver as it gives you more visual assistance and has more features, the only downside is that it costs however most companies/business will have the adobe suite purchased and you can access this for free. Other than that there is cheap options to purcahse the one off application.

3.Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

In 1990 Sir Tim Berners Lee released the world wide web, this was the first way to browse the web, in 1992 Midas WWW was developed, this was the first web browser with a source code viewer. Shortly after lynx was released, this was a text-based web browser. 1992 NSCA Mosaic was released, this was the first browser that allowed image and text. In 1995 Microsoft released Internet explorer, this would run on windows products, 2003 safari was released on IOS devices, and in 2015 Microsoft Edge was released. A roadblock that developers had in the 90’s was that different browsers could only be compatible with certain code, this left web developers having to make 3 or 4 different web pages so that they could suit each browser. It was not until 1998 the web standards project was formed; the primary objective was to get all browser to comply. This then ended any browser wars and created the InterAct web curriculum framework, now known as w3c.

4. What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing methods can be using website DEV tools, you can then also check your code VIA validation sources like W3C and make changes on the W3C validation checker and recheck accordingly. A good tool to check website accessibility is the snook colour checking tool while Browser stack allows you to check brower compatibility.

5. What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

Maximise the accessibility of information services. 

Comply with web content accessibility guideline. 

Provide a text-based version of the website.

Provide interpreter service contact information.

6.How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

ROOT folder INDEX.HTML as home page (other HTML PAGES) Subfolders for JS, CSS, IMAGES